MV Withdrawable Switchgear


  • Type tested to the requirements of IEC62271-200
  • Metal clad compartmentalized construction
  • IP4X degree of protection externally & IP5X available as an option
  • Internal arc tested
  • Independent exhaust vents for all HT compartments
  • Small width panel
  • The normal service performances are guaranteed under the following conditions
    – Min. Ambient Te: -50C
    – Max. Ambient Te: +400C
    – Relative Humidity: 95%


This is a medium voltage, metal-clad switchgear appropriate for indoor systems. It is a modular mechanism created of aligned standard units. Metal sheets keep apart each compartment and the energized parts are air insulated. The units have been tested in compliance with IEC Standards. The power cables branch connectors are accessible from the front.


Contact Information

Head Quarters: Unit 1 & 3, 199 Kaj Boulevard, Azimieh, Karaj, Iran

Tel: +982634156000


Tehran Office: Unit 6, 10 Mokhberi St., Ashrafi Esfahani Hwy, Tehran, Iran

